St Paul Reinsurance vs Commercial Financial Corp six requests 198 F.R.D. 508 (N.D. Iowa 2000)
six objections.
Certification requires and contrary to federal law boilerplate frivolous Violate the Rules think
Certification requires and contrary to federal law boilerplate frivolous Violate the Rules think
Certification requires and contrary to federal law boilerplate frivolous Violate the Rules think
Certification requires and contrary to federal law boilerplate frivolous Violate the Rules think
Sanction: Write an article. Why it is improper to assert the objections... asserted in this case
request is oppressive, burdensome and harassing request is vague, ambiguous and unintelligible request is overbroad without limitation in scope or time frame information is protected by privilege information is equally available to the propounding parties request fails to designate the documents with particularity Objections
6We knew we had to get (local) counsel. We were in a bit of a tizzy. In some jurisdictions... general objections (are) okay if you intend to amend those responses once you get yourself set.
Believable Not justifiable these objections are some of the most obstructionist, frivolous objections to discovery that (I have) seen... ...counsel asserted these objections in large part due to frustration, and, consequently, the court will craft its own, less severe, sanction. ...however...